Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Yeah, so um... the world is exploding?

We have an oil volcano in the Gulf of Mexico. We have two big, regular-fire volcanoes in Central/South America (not to mention the big, unbelievable sinkholes that reach to the center of the planet!!!) and Europe, and we're in the wake of the craziest Earthquake-season (???) that I've ever seen in my 32 years.

Uh... HAARP, anyone? Or if not, isn't it feasible that drilling holes down into the earth's crust to drain fossil fuels out of it might, ah, have an effect of some kind on our plate-tectonic homeostasis? I'm just sayin'. 

Oh, yeah. Today's the official start of the Atlantic Hurricane Season. Huzzah!

It's going to be raining Black Gold, if good 'ol Mama Nature is as predictable as these folks think she is.

I tend not to get too into the "conspiracy theories" mostly 'cause the folks who spread them around tend to be racist and just impossibly doomful about everything. But I gotta say, this looks like some kinda white-supremacist-Jesus-Freak "Apocalyptic" setup, if you ask me.

Seriously. They're gonna make it look like the end times and the rapture are here, and they're using that HAARP thingie to do it. *Shuffles around in a curmudgeonly fashion* Then when the Brown-colored Antichrist Comes all the little middle-class-and-below Gringo Sheeple get on the trains headed for the FEMA death camps they'll be shuffling their feet and whistling "Oh Happy Day."


Recent Drawings/ Insomnia (Warning- Female Breasts)

I don't know whether it was the food or the doom from earlier, or the fact that I have to go to work in the morning after 3 days off, but I can't sleep. So I thought I'd use it as an excuse to add a new post. I have some little drawings I've done on Bristol paper with just some pencil and some ink.

This one I call Bubblehair Lady. She kinda reminds me of my mamaw, except my mamaw didn't have such wide hips and she usually wore this thing called a "housecoat," when she wasn't dressed in her waitress uniform. But she smoked like a chimney.

This one I call "Genie's Dark-Haired, Rebellious Sister," but then, the chick on the TV show spelled her name different and really did have a dark-haired version of herself (Barbara Eden in a black wig.)

I like to think of myself as a folk artist. I'm self-taught, so my stuff isn't too fancy usually. When I look at my drawings sometimes I think they look like someone who took lots of years of art classes and then developed some kind of shaky brain disorder drew them. They are full of pithy nuances and "character." 

Let's try sleep once more, shall we?

Monday, May 31, 2010

A Day of Doom and Lots of Food and Laughter

Because this is what we Gringos do when we are scared, right? We consume stuff. Our culture teaches us to consume like we're the only people on Earth with a right to it.

Today was Memorial Day.  I could go on and on about the military industrial complex, the reasons that I tend to not celebrate any holidays if I can help it, etc... and I probably will do all those things eventually.

I guess I just want to recount my day.

I slept in. I made some cupcakes. I talked with my partner about our contingency plan for when the shit hits the fan and we have to, you know, evacuate or some such horrible thing.

I cried about that. Then we talked some more about impending doom, and I cooked some delicious vegan food and we spent a good chunk of the day watching Bill Hicks and other stand-up comedy and also Boon Docks. 

I'm pretty bummed about the state of things in the big, bad world. But I'm lucky to have my loved ones.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

So hi.

I've wanted to start a new blog for a while now. It's been difficult to come up with a theme that could really encompass all that I'm into doing, expressing, experiencing, etc.

And it's hard, for me, to blog without the inherent narcissism of the experience getting to me. I think this is why I tend to make my blogs with an intention of personal expression, then end up with all this projection and extroversion, talking about world politics instead of my *thoughts* on world politics. *Sigh*

My hope is that this blog will serve to document my continuing evolution as a human person- that's the general meme.

The title came from my partner. She's really much more clever than I am. But I did love her idea so much, because I think it sums up what I'm finding to be a core of political human problems that don't just effect the globe, or other species (*ahem*, oil spill, *ahem*) but how these maladaptive, over-consumptive ideas we've internalized hurt us individually.

Not to be a totally Negative Nelly. I mean, I'd like to also talk about my individual experience with reducing my own consumption and just generally learning some things that have helped me be more independent and less of a slave.

We tend to vilify "consumption" in a general sense; however, I think that this is not necessarily correct thinking. People, as all other animals and organisms, are built to consume things in order to survive. When our patterns of consumption become diseased, we can't stop consuming, even when it hurts us.

I think humans need to re-examine consumption. We need to positively adapt to what is happening in our biosphere without the knee-jerkism that scares people away from social change.

I hope that I can help people rethink their world and there relationship to it.

And I also hope that folks will like my cupcakes and my art.